We need a 21st century permitting system to meet 21st century challenges
July 12, 2012
Few countries can rival the United States or Canada when it com...
We need a 21st century permitting system to meet 21st century challenges
July 12, 2012
Few countries can rival the United States or Canada when it com...
The U.S., EU and Japan request a dispute settlement panel over China’s export regulations
July 03, 2012
The European Union, the United States and Japan are now re...
Strong minerals supply essential to automobile industry
June 12, 2012
NMA President and CEO Hal Quinn and Mitch Bainwol, president an...
Manufacturing employment grew by more than 500,000 jobs over the past two years
May 11, 2012
Shopfloor, the manufacturing blog of the National Association of ...
American innovation impacted by mineral import reliance
April 19, 2012
Forbes.com published an op-ed yesterday by Gary Shapiro, presiden...
New Congressional Research Service report addresses rare earth element supply chain implications
April 18, 2012
A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report on rare earth eleme...
U.S. manufacturing affected by raw minerals supply chain
April 11, 2012
In an op-ed in The Detroit News, Mark Perry, a professor of econo...
Untapped U.S. mineral resources can address supply chain and national security concerns
March 30, 2012
Following the president’s recent announcement of a ...
U.S. to bring case against China at WTO over limits on rare earths exports
March 13, 2012
Earlier today, President Obama announced that the United States...