Hal Quinn Testifies Before Congress on the Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act
American job growth impacted by outdated mineral permitting process
May 02, 2012
The Oregonian reported this week on the decrease in mining inve...
NMA President and CEO to testify on mining permitting before Congress
April 26, 2012
At 3 p.m. today, I will testify before the House Natural Resource...
China to face serious shortage of key minerals
April 23, 2012
In an exclusive interview with China’s official state news agen...
American innovation impacted by mineral import reliance
April 19, 2012
Forbes.com published an op-ed yesterday by Gary Shapiro, presiden...
Efficient mining permitting process is a critical step for minerals development
April 13, 2012
President Obama recently filed a challenge with the World Trade...
U.S. manufacturing affected by raw minerals supply chain
April 11, 2012
In an op-ed in The Detroit News, Mark Perry, a professor of econo...
National Geographic looks at rare earths in modern technology
April 04, 2012
The importance of rare earth minerals to the U.S. economy made ne...
Untapped U.S. mineral resources can address supply chain and national security concerns
March 30, 2012
Following the president’s recent announcement of a ...
Jobs are the Casualty of Mining Bill Defeat
March 28, 2012
Vast mineral resources in Wisconsin’s backyard—including iron...