America could capture an EV future and lead in lithium production
The United States has an opportunity to take center stage in the coming new era of Electric Vehicles...
America could capture an EV future and lead in lithium production
The United States has an opportunity to take center stage in the coming new era of Electric Vehicles...
Four Minerals Key to an Advanced Energy Future
July 07, 2021
The global demand for minerals is growing exponentially as govern...
To Meet Climate Goals Policymakers Need U.S. Mining
Within days of President Biden announcing plans to slash U.S. emissions 50% by 2030, the Internation...
The Advanced Energy Oxymoron: Why Policymakers Need Mining to Meet Climate Goals
May 11, 2021
The Biden administration recently set an ambitious goal of slashi...
Biden Infrastructure Initiative Can Jumpstart America’s EV Future
March 31, 2021
President Biden unveiled his infrastructure and jobs package toda...
President Biden’s Executive Order Seeks to Strengthen Resilience of Domestic Supply Chains
The global pandemic continues to stall U.S. economic recovery. In February, the labor market showed ...
President Biden Moves on Securing Our Domestic Mineral Supply Chain
March 05, 2021
President Biden recently signed an executive order that launched ...
U.S. Economic Recovery Depends on Mining
Now that we are a few weeks into President Biden’s first 100 days – with an intense focus on COV...
Why You Should Celebrate National Miners’ Day
This month, the National Mining Association asks you to join us in celebrating our nation’s miners...
Reasons to Celebrate National Miners Day
December 08, 2020
The global pandemic this year has brought a multitude of challeng...