Guest post: The inextricable link between minerals mining and America’s economic future
August 10, 2012
The importance of minerals to our society and economy is undeniab...
Guest post: The inextricable link between minerals mining and America’s economic future
August 10, 2012
The importance of minerals to our society and economy is undeniab...
Video: Permitting delays hinder America’s economic growth
July 31, 2012
A new animated video from the National Mining Association illustr...
Minerals essential to technologies that make our daily lives and our economy work
July 27, 2012
Following the recent House passage of Rep. Mark Amodei’s (R-Nev...
Hal Quinn: Legislation would give a leg up to manufacturing
July 27, 2012
Yesterday, I authored an op-ed in Roll Call discussing the passag...
Pro-minerals mining legislation benefits states
July 25, 2012
Despite three years of double-digit unemployment in Nevada, the m...
Film industry reliant on rare earth minerals
July 18, 2012
The far-reaching effects of the unstable minerals supply chain ha...
President Obama changes his mind on mining royalties
July 16, 2012
Last week, the Las Vegas Sun put the spotlight on President Oba...
House of Representatives votes to support job creation and American mining
July 12, 2012
Today, the House passed H.R. 4402—the “National Str...
We need a 21st century permitting system to meet 21st century challenges
July 12, 2012
Few countries can rival the United States or Canada when it com...
The time to act is now: tell Congress to support H.R. 4402
July 11, 2012
The House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on a b...