America’s Miners Make EVs and Future Energy Possible
Each December, our country celebrates National Miners Day to recognize the hard-working men and wome...
America’s Miners Make EVs and Future Energy Possible
Each December, our country celebrates National Miners Day to recognize the hard-working men and wome...
Growing Mineral Demands Mean Jobs and Career Opportunities
December 06, 2021
Each year on December 6, we celebrate National Miners Day. This o...
What Happened in Vegas: A Recap of MINExpo INTERNATIONAL 2021
The global mining industry recently met at MINExpo International® in Las Vegas, Nev. After a five-y...
Two Reasons to Attend MINExpo INTERNATIONAL 2021
August 17, 2021
In just a few weeks, the mining industry will come together at MI...
Four Minerals Key to an Advanced Energy Future
July 07, 2021
The global demand for minerals is growing exponentially as govern...
The Advanced Energy Oxymoron: Why Policymakers Need Mining to Meet Climate Goals
May 11, 2021
The Biden administration recently set an ambitious goal of slashi...
Economic Recovery Depends on Minerals Mining
February 11, 2021
Nearly every American industry and consumer product relies on the...
Why You Should Celebrate National Miners’ Day
This month, the National Mining Association asks you to join us in celebrating our nation’s miners...
Why Supply Chains Transcend Politics
During an election unlike any other, the National Mining Association (NMA) remained a non-partisan v...
Made in the USA: Strengthening American Supply Chains
November 19, 2020
By neglecting the strategic importance of cultivating a robust su...