Efficient mining permitting process is a critical step for minerals development
April 13, 2012
President Obama recently filed a challenge with the World Trade...
Efficient mining permitting process is a critical step for minerals development
April 13, 2012
President Obama recently filed a challenge with the World Trade...
U.S. manufacturing affected by raw minerals supply chain
April 11, 2012
In an op-ed in The Detroit News, Mark Perry, a professor of econo...
NMA Board Endorses CORESafety, a New Safety and Health Paradigm for U.S. Mining
April 09, 2012
The National Mining Association’s (NMA) board of director...
National Geographic looks at rare earths in modern technology
April 04, 2012
The importance of rare earth minerals to the U.S. economy made ne...
Untapped U.S. mineral resources can address supply chain and national security concerns
March 30, 2012
Following the president’s recent announcement of a ...
Jobs are the Casualty of Mining Bill Defeat
March 28, 2012
Vast mineral resources in Wisconsin’s backyard—including iron...
Sen. Casey calls for increased U.S. mineral production
March 27, 2012
In an op-ed in The Hill, Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., argued that Chi...
Mining brings economic vitality to Fairbanks
March 22, 2012
In a recent editorial, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner touted the ...
Alaska Senator addresses domestic mineral production, need for updated federal policies
March 16, 2012
U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, highlighted the importance ...
U.S. to bring case against China at WTO over limits on rare earths exports
March 13, 2012
Earlier today, President Obama announced that the United States...