Mining Asteroids and the Ocean Floor
February 11, 2013
People are the core of U.S. minerals mining. We respect and care ...
Hal Quinn: A positive global outlook for 2013 minerals mining
February 04, 2013
Earlier this week, NMA held a press briefing at which I presented...
Scoring commitment to community in Michigan
January 28, 2013
While officials at Rio Tinto know that minerals mines make good n...
Upsurge in mining employment leads to career fair
January 25, 2013
Despite high unemployment rates, the citizens of the Iron Range, ...
DOE launches critical minerals hub to support American innovation
January 18, 2013
This week, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory open...
Alaska students earn credit through mining
January 17, 2013
As of December 2012, the unemployment rate for teens was 23.5 per...
Guest post: Virginia’s minerals mean jobs
January 14, 2013
As a geologist, I am keenly aware that all of us depend on a wi...
Report: Economic contributions of U.S. mining in 2010
January 08, 2013
National Mining Association prepared a report on “The Eco...
January 07, 2013
In a recent opinion piece published in the Las Vegas Review Jou...