Hal Quinn discusses Twin Metals with WELY Radio in Minnesota

Posted on September 05, 2013 by Minerals Make Life

Minnesota is home to one of the largest undeveloped mineral deposits in the world, including copper, nickel, palladium, gold and more, which are vital to the production of hand-held electronics, advanced energy technology and hybrid vehicles – just to name a few.

These resources also offer Minnesota a unique economic opportunity. The Twin Metals Minnesota Duluth Complex could create jobs for generations: more than 5,000 construction jobs in addition to 1,300 full-time positions. And the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average annual wage for a Minnesota mining job is roughly $72,000, more than $25,000 higher than the all-industries average. Plus, the project will also generate tax and royalty revenue for state and local governments.

Recently, Hal Quinn, National Mining Association’s president and CEO, and Bob McFarlin, vice president of public and government affairs at Twin Metals Minnesota, took some time to discuss the project with the End of Road morning show on WELY 94.5 FM .

“The United States has one of the richest mineral endowments in the world,” said Quinn. “What our nation is facing is the prospect of how to leverage that to the benefit of our ecomony.”

Tapping into Minnesota’s minerals reserve has the potential to bolster industry nationwide, but leaders in Washington must revisit the antiquated mining permitting process and encourage domestic minerals production, Quinn stressed.