Good Samaritan Bill to Clean Up Pollution Passes in Congress, President’s Desk
December 20, 2024
The House of Representatives passed the Good Samaritan Remediatio...
Stuart Sanderson, president of the Colorado Mining Association, and Diann Orf, representative of the Colorado Mining Association on regulatory matters, authored an op-ed in The Denver Post discussing a new roadless rule that will protect Colorado’s forests while preserving important jobs in the mining industry.
Last week, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the U.S. Forest Service approval of the rule, which allows mineral development on 19,000 acres out of 4.2 million overall. The post noted that without approval of this rule, mines employing nearly 1,000 miners earning average wages and benefits in excess of $100,000 annually would be lost.
Read more here.