Permitting timelines puts America on a competitive disadvantage
February 23, 2012
Katie Sweeney, general counsel to the National Mining Association...
Permitting timelines puts America on a competitive disadvantage
February 23, 2012
Katie Sweeney, general counsel to the National Mining Association...
Wyoming governor wants mining industry to remain strong
February 15, 2012
In his State of the State address on Monday, Wyoming Gov. Matt Me...
Constraints on U.S. mining affect manufacturers across the U.S.
February 14, 2012
Pennsylvania-based McLanahan Corp. has been manufacturing mineral...
Op-ed: Exploration in mineral-rich Montana down 96 percent, despite voter support
February 08, 2012
Montana is home to 8,600 mineral deposits, but less than 1 percen...
Declining use of mineral resources in U.S. worries experts
January 30, 2012
As written in a recent E&E News article, America’s us...
From Davos: Bureaucratic constraints cost U.S. mining jobs
January 26, 2012
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Rio Tinto Chie...
Million-acre Mining ban stifles economic activity
January 11, 2012
On Monday, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar withdrew more th...
U.S. Mines Continue to Strive for Zero Fatalities
December 19, 2011
While 85 percent of all U.S. mines operate injury-free each year,...
Rep. Mike Coffman launches congressional rare earths caucus
November 10, 2011
On Wednesday, Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman announced the creation o...
Report shows mineral production in Alaska worth $3.1 billion to state
November 10, 2011
According to a state report released Wednesday, the value of mine...