
Posted on June 15, 2021 by Minerals Make Life

America Doesn’t Have A Minerals Strategy: Here’s Why It Needs One

Minerals like copper, lithium, silver and nickel are the building blocks of a strong and modern U.S....

To Meet Climate Goals Policymakers Need U.S. Mining

Within days of President Biden announcing plans to slash U.S. emissions 50% by 2030, the Internation...

President Biden’s Jobs & Infrastructure Plans Start with Mining

As Congress begins to address the President’s plan to create millions of new jobs and rebuild our ...

President Biden’s Executive Order Seeks to Strengthen Resilience of Domestic Supply Chains

The global pandemic continues to stall U.S. economic recovery. In February, the labor market showed ...

U.S. Economic Recovery Depends on Mining

Now that we are a few weeks into President Biden’s first 100 days – with an intense focus on COV...

Take a Stand for Miners Today Take Action