The Blog

Volunteering in the community

December 05, 2013

Young. Global. Active. ...

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Duluth News Tribune backs mining

November 25, 2013

Frank Ongaro put it simply in an editorial in today’s Duluth Ne...

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Unreliable mineral supplies impede US innovation

November 22, 2013

“A new high-tech product that’s ever more innovative and ...

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Guest post: The power of the mining industry

November 21, 2013

Mined materials are fundamental to the economic growth of the U.S...

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President Obama visits Ohio manufacturer

November 19, 2013

President Obama’s recent visit to the ArcelorMittal plant in no...

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WATCH: Playing for the future

November 15, 2013

The minerals mining industry takes its commitment to be a good ne...

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Boosting the economy through minerals mining

November 12, 2013

Despite the 16-day government shutdown in October, the jobs repor...

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Mining industry proudly supports our veterans

November 11, 2013

750,000. That’s how many tons of minerals the U.S. Department o...

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Townhall gives rare earths much needed attention

November 08, 2013

This week, Townhall’s Marita Noon turned her attention to rare ...

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Apple expands U.S. manufacturing

November 06, 2013

Apple announced that they will begin manufacturing sapphire gla...

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