February 14, 2025
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to national security as China tightens grip on minerals
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to nation...
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When faced with natural resource limitations in the past, the United States has turned to independence.
Earlier this decade, oil prices averaged their highest in history, thus squeezing consumers and increasing OPEC’s leverage on global energy markets. Fortunately, a countervailing trend was emerging: America’s untapped energy resources were being explored and produced. Through technological innovations in resource extraction, the United States is now accessing shale oil and gas deposits – and growing good American jobs alongside with it – that have thrust America into the top echelon of global energy producers.
Remarkably, the United States is now the top oil and gas producer in the world. American producers are now even exporting these resources to our allies throughout the world. In less than ten years from the time the U.S. oil export ban was lifted (2015), the United States is projected to be the number one crude oil exporter in the world. By reducing the supply and price influence of OPEC and Russia, global energy markets now have Democracy and the free market as their foundation.