February 14, 2025
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to national security as China tightens grip on minerals
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to nation...
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The National Mining Association (NMA) today re-launched MineralsMakeLife.org, the online component of the organization’s Minerals Make Life initiative designed to raise awareness about the importance of domestically mined minerals to the economy, innovation and national security.
“We want to provide a more searchable and easy-to-use website, full of resources and tools to help individuals stay informed about the latest minerals mining news,” said Nancy Gravatt, senior vice president of communications at NMA. “The website will also include information about essential applications and updates on minerals policy issues, which have a resounding impact on the nation’s job growth as well as manufacturing, global competitiveness and security interests.”
In addition to a new look, the completely redesigned website comprises a number of improved features, including easily accessible reports, fact sheets, congressional testimonies, an informational tool kit and other resources. The website also offers enhanced search functionality that will direct users to infographics, videos, blog posts and other dynamic content that can be shared easily across various social platforms.
Continue to check back here for the most up-to-date information on the importance of minerals to America’s future.