February 14, 2025
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to national security as China tightens grip on minerals
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to nation...
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Antimony, platinum group metals and mercury top the list of minerals at risk for supply disruptions, according to a new index released by the British Geological Survey. Mineweb reported on Wednesday that the analysis of 52 elements ranks their likelihood to face supply restrictions in 2011 due to factors including “the abundance of the element in the Earth’s crust, the location of current production and reserves, and risk arising from the political stability of those locations.”
As demand for metals and minerals increases, driven by relentless growth in the emerging economies in Asia and South America, competition for resources is growing. Human factors such as geopolitics, resource nationalism, along with events such as strikes and accidents are the most likely to disrupt supply. Policy-makers, industry and consumers should be concerned about supply risk and the need to diversify supply from Earth resources, from recycling more and doing more with less, and also about the environmental implications of burgeoning consumption. – Mineweb