September 05, 2013
Hal Quinn discusses Twin Metals with WELY Radio in Minnesota
Minnesota is home to one of the largest undeveloped mineral depos...
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Arthur E. Englund of Pengilly, Minn., is a retired minerals engineer and a member of the Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers who recently took to the Duluth News Tribune to advocate for minerals mining in northeast Minnesota.
Englund, responding to a previous letter, explains all the necessities of mining to the United States and the rest of the world. “If it can’t be grown, it has to be mined,” Englund said.
He demonstrates the pride of the region in the vast resources and contributions made to the economy and the military throughout the state’s rich mining history. His point: Mining is essential to keep Minnesota’s economy running.
Earlier this month, National Mining Association President and CEO Hal Quinn spoke with WELY in Minnesota to discuss the positive impact minerals mining can have on the economy, not just in Minnesota but also across the country.
Read the full letter from Englund here.