February 14, 2025
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to national security as China tightens grip on minerals
Securing U.S. supply chains continues to prove critical to nation...
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Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment and its Resourceful Earth Project at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, recently condemned the Obama administration for undertaking actions that prevent mining production. In an op-ed published in The Orange County Register, Ebell states that the claims of environmental damage from the Pebble Mine in the Bristol Bay watershed are “preposterous,” stating “the company developing the Pebble Mine has spent $120 million over eight years in commissioning an exhaustive array of environmental studies from top scientists and experts. In February, they released an environmental baseline document of 27,000 pages.”
Ebell says this and other anti-mining initiatives are part of a “broad campaign to restrict access to oil and natural gas as well as coal and hard-rock minerals.” He also pointed toward the recently announced 20-year ban on any uranium mining on near the Grand Canyon National Park as “destructive,” noting that “new mining projects could provide a major boost to the economy, but will not do so as long as President Obama persists in his regulatory onslaught.”
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